Stay Active
March 2025 Active Living Calendar
Staying active is one of the most important things we can do to stay healthy and age successfully. The Tallahassee Senior Center offers multiple opportunities geared towards seniors at all fitness levels.
In-Person Fitness
Previously broadcast classes.
Fitness Classes on WCOT
WCOT (Channel 13 on Comcast or will air four TSC classes with some of your favorite instructors. Fitness classes are provided by the City of Tallahassee Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Affairs and the Tallahassee Senior Center and Foundation. Learn more and view the WCOT class schedule.
Keep your body and mind in balance with our fun group activities.
UPSLIDE (Utilizing and Promoting Social Engagement for Loneliness, Isolation and Depression in the Elderly)
UPSLIDE (Utilizing and Promoting Social Engagement for Loneliness, Isolation and Depression in the Elderly) Program - If you, or someone you know, are feeling lonely or isolated, help is available. UPSLIDE serves people age 50 and older who want more social engagement in their lives. UPSLIDE offers individual counseling in-person, by phone and by video conferencing; Friends Connection meetings provide social connection and support for participants both virtually and in person. Email or call 850-891-4066 for more information. Services are provided at no cost to participants, but donations accepted. UPSLIDE is supported by the City of Tallahassee and the Tallahassee Senior Center Foundation.
Health Screenings and Services
Monthly Monday Morning Mindful Meditations
2nd Monday of each month, 10-11 am, TSC Health Suite
An enjoyable program designed to introduce you to the simple exercises of mindfulness meditation. A pleasant, relaxing, and informative experience that will help you stay centered and focused in your life.
Presented by Jeff Hanson, Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Educator
Blood Pressure & Blood Glucose Screenings
Offered on the 1st Tues of each month. 10:00 am – Noon No appointment necessary.
Podiatry Screening and Foot Care
Every other month Appointment required, call 850-891-4000.
Dr. Gary McCoy, cuts toenails and assesses and treats foot problems. Doctor accepts Medicare, Medicaid, and secondary insurance, which may cover costs for this. $25 flat fee if not covered by insurance.
For additional upcoming Health and Wellness events, visit here.
For more information, on fitness classes or health screenings,
contact Ruth Nickens, RN, Health & Wellness Program Coordinator at 850-891-4042 or
Fitness at the Tallahassee Senior Center
Fitness programs are $3 age 50+, $4 others, $5 yoga.
Discount fitness cards available to purchase.
Monday, 1:00 p.m., 2nd Floor Auditorium
An active-aging, fall prevention program specifically created to train and reverse many types of aging. Our philosophy fuses movement with neuroplasticity-enhancing drills to improve balance, the various functions of the brain, reflex skills, and improve daily life skills. Taught by Merisha Johnson Phillips.
Other locations:
Tuesday & Thursday, 9 a.m., Optimist Park, Ferdouse Sultana
Tuesday, 1 - 2 p.m., SouthWood, Wendy Barber ($5 donation)
Life Exercise Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
A popular and dynamic workout consisting of aerobics, light weights, stretching, strengthening and balance exercises. This workout is suitable for everyone and you can participate seated. Taught by Lori Roberts.
Mindful Movement
Tuesday, 11am, 2nd Floor Auditorium
Thursday, 12 noon, 2nd Floor Auditorium
A gentle NIA- and yoga-based class that focuses on increasing energy, reducing falls, and maintaining flexibility. Taught by Lori Roberts, certified NIA yoga instructor.
Gentle Yoga
Tuesday, 1:00 pm,
This gentle yoga workout increases mobility, flexibility, balance, and mental focus. Taught by Certified Yoga Instructor Ferdouse Sultana. Must pre-register.
Tai Chi
Basics - Thursday, 1:00 p.m. (for beginners and those who want to review and refine movements)
Practice - Wednesday & Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Focus on the slow, gentle flow of one movement into another that incorporates balance, stretching, and health benefits.
Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.
Moderate Iyengar practice for adults, includes poses, relaxation, and meditation.
Taught by Pamela Hunter.
Neighborhood Fitness Sites
Fitness programs are $3 age 50+, $4 others, $5 yoga.
Discount fitness cards available to purchase.
Bradfordville Fitness: Northeast Branch Library, Rm. 103, 5513 Thomasville Rd.
Note: Class size limited, before attending your first class, call instructor Llona at 850-878-1685 or Ferdouse at 850-766-6001.
- Senior Fitness with Ferdouse: Tuesday & Friday, 9:30 a.m.
- Senior Fitness (Beginners) with Llona: Tuesday & Friday, 10:30 a.m.
- Senior Fitness (Advanced) with Llona: Tuesday & Friday, 11:30 a.m.
- Yoga for Women with Ferdouse: Monday, 2:30 pm
- Beginning Yoga with Ferdouse: Wednesday, 4:15 pm
Chaires-Capitola Dorothy C. Spence Community Center: 4768 Chaires Cross Rd.
Senior Fitness with Judy: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 8:30 a.m.
Sit & Fit with Judy: Tuesday & Thursday, 9:30 a.m.
Ft. Braden Community Center: 16387 Blountstown Hwy.
Senior Fitness with Wendy: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, 10:30 a.m.
Lake Jackson Community Center: 3840 N. Monroe., Ste. 301
Mindful Movement with Lori: Thursday, Noon, now at the Senior Center, 2nd Floor Auditorium.
Beginning Yoga with Lori: Wednesday, 2:00 p.m.
Miccosukee Community Center: 13887 Moccasin Gap Rd.
Senior Fitness with Judy: Tuesday & Thursday, 11:15 a.m.
Woodville Community Center: 8000 Old Woodville Rd.
Senior Fitness with Llona: Monday & Wednesday, 9:30 a.m.
Lifelong Outdoor Pursuits
Are you 50 or older? Ready for new adventures? Do you enjoy being outdoors? Want to meet people with similar interests? The Fitness & Outdoor Opportunities Together (FOOT) program is for you! Monthly hikes plus periodic outdoor activities to outstanding local destinations. Enjoy hiking, biking, paddling, and more. Visit springs, caverns, rivers, beaches, forests, and botanical gardens. For more information, visit the Senior Center Foundation page.
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All sessions are $3 unless otherwise noted.
Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm
Billiards room is available for participants to drop in and spend time with friends or meet new acquaintances.
Monday, 2:30-5:30 pm
Tuesday, 5-9 pm
Lessons offered on Wednesday at 11:30 am; play from 12-4 pm
Friday, 11:30 am - 4:00 pm
Pickleball uses hard racquets, whiffle balls and the lower mini tennis nets, making it one of America's fastest growing sports. Staff will set up nets and provide balls. A challenge court will be established for competitive play.
Times may be subject to change due to other activities.
Table Tennis
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30 – 4:30pm
Casual, informal games. New players welcome. No pre-registration required.
Card & Board Games
Canasta & Pinochle
Wednesday, 1:00 pm
Meet new friends and enjoy popular card games.
Fridays, 10 am
Interested in playing or learning? Join in on the fun. Chess is a great way to exercise the mind.
Euchre + Hand & Foot
Fridays, 10 am
Everyone is welcome no matter the skill level. Meet others and enjoy fun card games.
Thursdays, 2:30 pm
A game of Chinese origin usually played by four persons with 144 domino like pieces or tiles marked in suits, counters, and dice, the object being to build a winning combination of pieces.
Duplicate Bridge Clubs
These games are for competitive bridge players. Games are played under the auspices of the American Contract Bridge League. A director runs the games in which two or more hands are played per round. At the end of the game, a computer prints out the results of how players did compared to other players, and computes the points won. These games are open to all players for a nominal fee to cover expenses. Interested players are invited to join the fun.
Tallahassee Duplicate Bridge Club
1 – 5 pm, every Tuesday and some Thursdays
2nd Monday, 6 – 9:30 pm For more information, and other bridge events organized around town, visit
Bridge Lessons
Rotating Schedule (visit
Bridge lessons, taught by the Tallahassee Duplicate Bridge Club, are provided at various levels.
Capital Twirlers Square Dance
Mondays, 7-9 p.m.
Mainstream and plus level square dancing. Level adjusted to fit dancers' skills. Non-member donation: $5. Non-dancing visitors welcome to watch for free. Lessons available. Visit or call Libby at 850-566-2117.
Adult Ballet
Thursdays, 10:45 a.m.
Learn basic ballet techniques, while experiencing the joy of expression and movement. No previous experience necessary! $2 (50+), $3 (others).
Beginning Ballroom and Swing Lessons
Fridays, 5:30-7 p.m.
Dance lessons include Ballroom, Swing, the Fox Trot, Tango, Waltz, and Cha Cha. No partner needed. Meet people! Have fun! $5.
Contra Dance (Tallahassee Community Friends of Old Time Dance)
Second + Fourth Fridays, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
Jigs, reels, and all kinds of fun. Moves similar to square dance with a caller instructing each dance before the music begins. $10/adults, $9/seniors, $6/students, kids under 12 free. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes. No partner or experience necessary. Newcomers should arrive by 7:15 p.m. Visit for upcoming dates.
USA Ballroom Dance
3rd Saturday of the month, 6:30 – 10 p.m.
Come dance on Tallahassee's largest dance floor. Complimentary lessons at 6:30 p.m. All dances are smoke and alcohol free. Dance nights with paid entry: $10/USAB Dance members, $16/non-members, and $5 for students with valid IDs.
For more info, visit: or email:
Two Step Dance
Thursdays, 6 -8 p.m.
Country western dance class. Also known as the Texas Two Step or Country Western Two Step, this popular social dance is a lot of fun. Danced with a partner, this dance is characterized by turns and improvisions and is typically danced to country music. No partner required or needed to join this class. Recommended Shoes: most Two Step dances have turns and pivots. Dance shoes or shoes with leather soles are best. Hard soles (not rubber) will work. Sneaker/Tennis shoes can make the turns and pivots difficult and hard on the knees depending on floor but some people do okay. $5
Round Dance
Mondays, 6 – 7 p.m.
Easy level round dancing (also called “cued ballroom dancing”). Rhythms are waltz, foxtrot, two step, rhumba, and cha-cha. Currently being played off of a cd. No formal instruction. This is facilitated by the Capital Twirlers. Call first to ensure group is meeting. $2
Travel Opportunities
Come travel with us! Many of us are looking forward to traveling and dreaming about new destinations. You may be looking for company - and someone else to handle the details of traveling.
Tours are open to all travelers and benefit the Tallahassee Senior Center Foundation.
Email or call 850-891-4008 for information.
The Senior Center requests that you complete a participation form prior to taking a tour.
Collette Vacation Tours
Collette Vacations tours include roundtrip air from Tallahassee, fees, surcharges, and hotel transfers. TRAVEL ANYWHERE, ANYTIME and benefit the TSC when you call Collette World Connect at 877-368-0928 and mention ID#1895136 or visit
Spotlight on New York City
February 24-28, 2025
Greenwich Village, Wall Street, Two Broadway Shows including Hamilton, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, 9/11 Memorial, 9/11 Museum
Spotlight on Tuscany
March 5 – 13, 2025
Highlights include: Montecatini Terme, Lucca, Gothic Line, Winery Tour, Florence, Choice on Tour: Montecatini Walking Tour or Siena, Pisa, Cooking Class, Cheese Farm, San Gimignano.
Discover California Dreamin’: Monterey, Yosemite & Napa
July 21-28, 2025
Monterey, Scenic 17-Mile Drive, Yosemite National Park, Sacramento, Choice of Tour: California State Railroad Museum or Crocker Art Museum, Lake Tahoe Scenic Cruise, Napa Valley Vineyard Tour and Wine Tasting, San Francisco
Discover the Best of Eastern Canada
October 2-10, 2025
Toronto, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Thousand Islands, Indigenous Heritage Farm Visit, Quebec City, Choice on Tour: Quebec City by Bur or Walking Tour of Old Quebec City, Montmorency Falls, Maple Sugar Shack, Montreal
Holiday Cruises & Tours
Day Trips – Motor Coach Tours – Cruises
Visit Mention that you heard about travel opportunities through the Senior Center; a donation will be made back to Tallahassee Senior Services.
To learn more, call 850-891-4008