Vibrant Neighborhoods Grant Program

Vibrant Neighborhoods Grant Program Overview - Revised October 2024
The City of Tallahassee’s Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Affairs (PRNA) Department has established the Vibrant Neighborhoods Grant Program (VNG) to assist and to invest in resident-initiated small-scale projects that enhance the livability and vibrancy of the City’s neighborhoods, ultimately improving the quality-of-life neighbors experience in their neighborhoods. Matching grants of $500-$2,500 are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to qualified applicants whose proposed project meets the eligibility criteria. The program is administered by the City's Neighborhood Affairs Division.
Emerging and established neighborhood and homeowners' associations (HOAs) may apply for funding to implement projects with a clear public benefit related to one of the following grant categories:
- Community Beautification/Placemaking
- Community Enrichment Programs/Initiatives
- Neighborhood Events
VNG grant funds and the accompanying technical assistance are designed to empower neighborhood groups to effectively plan and implement solutions that enhance neighborhood vibrancy, safety, and inclusivity. These grants are intended to support enhancements that the entire neighborhood can enjoy and are not intended for regular neighborhood maintenance projects.
Grant applications will be reviewed for completeness prior to the start of the grant review process. An application will be considered complete when all applicable sections of the application are filled out and all relevant supporting documentation, including the project’s budget, volunteers’ sign-up sheet, letters of support, in-kind donations, etc., are attached.
Prospective grant applicants are encouraged to contact Neighborhood Affairs staff to talk through their project early in its planning process prior to applying for a grant. Successful applicants will be required to register as vendors with the City of Tallahassee prior to execution of their Grant Agreement.
Applications may be submitted electronically to Only one application per neighborhood will be accepted.
Please review the VNG’s FAQs for a full overview of the program. Questions about the program should be directed to Theodus Baker, Neighborhood Services Coordinator, at (850) 354-3740, or
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